
REDLINE: Payday - Mech based expandable card game!

Created by Cameron Dueker

Epic mech battles in an expandable card game, fusing war gaming with streamlined strategy on a dynamic battlefield. New factions added!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Final 48 Hours!
6 months ago – Tue, May 14, 2024 at 06:13:12 AM

This Is It! The Final Countdown! 

We are in the final days for our campaign and it already is our biggest success yet! 

We are so thankful to everyone who has helped support REDLINE: Payday and all the hard work we put into the game and our campaign! 

We are knocking on the door to hit $20,000 in funding and earn FREE alt art ore tokens for every player to use in their games! Soooo close! Can we make it past that bulwark in time? 

Efreet Design Contest 4 Update 

We also wanted to thanks everyone who helped vote to design our newest efreet in our REDLINE efreet design contest during the past 2 weeks. 

We've tallied the results and let's just say, the REDLINE community definitely has an efreet type, lol. 

We'll be revealing the final design in the coming weeks when we once again reach out to the community for help in naming our newest unit! (yikes?) ;) 

Last Days 

Only 2 days left! 

If you haven't yet, don't miss your chance to pledge and support REDLINE: Payday! And for those that have, again, THANK YOU! 

We hope to see everyone at the finish line when our campaign ends soon.

Efreet Design Contest!
6 months ago – Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 09:35:25 PM

What a great second week! 

We're happy to say, that thanks to all of your help, REDLINE: Payday is already our most successful Kickstarter campaign yet at over 200% funded with over 20 days left to go! Woot! 

And to celebrate we have something fun lined up for all of you. But we need your help again for it......

Because the Efreet Design Contest 4 is now LIVE! 

In each of our previous Kickstarter campaigns, we always ran a contest with our community to help us design a NEW efreet for an upcoming expansion! And now with REDLINE: Payday we are once again asking for your help to do so! 

So VOTE in our poll to help us design a new efreet for our players to use. Create your dream efreet and together with the community and let's make something awesome together! 

You can see the previous 3 winners below as the Migidae, Hoplite, and Axolotl are are the previous designs our players made in the first 3 efreet design contests. 

 Voting ends on May 10th. Afterwards we will open up naming to a vote as well. Gulp. 

ANYBODY can vote. You don't have to have pledged to our campaign or even be a REDLINE Player, just a fan of mechs will do! So feel free to share the contest with your friends because the more collaboration we have, the better our new efreet will be! 

Campaign Updates 

As we wrap up our second week we are excited with where our campaign is headed. 

We received invited to appear on two podcasts recently to talk about all things REDLINE and as they just went live in the past day we have added both to our campaign page. 

Be sure to check out Nerdy Volume and The Board Game Binge podcasts as they were generous enough to share some screen time with yours truly. Both were a blast to record as its always fun to nerd out about gaming and game design! Why are efreets named efreets? What's that rumor about a REDLINE mobile game???? And why DO we have minis?? 

Listen in to find out and more! 

Thanks again to everyone for their help in making our REDLINE: Payday campaign so much fun! 

Now get out there and help design our next great efreet! 

Will the community design something that isn't a neutral efreet yet again, is my big question.... 


6 months ago – Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 08:13:43 PM


What an amazing first day! Thank you to everyone who helped us to fund in 5 hours and help blow past our expectations! 

REDLINE wouldn't exist without player support from gamers like you, so THANK YOU so much to everyone who help to get our campaign off to a strong start on day 1! You opened the doors for others to follow! (Or maybe kicked it down it more appropriate.)

As this is our first campaign update and it appears we have a lot of new REDLINE players on board for Payday, we did want to take this time to share some more background info on the game and the project so nobody misses out on what you signed up for. ;) 

There is a lot more to REDLINE than you may know! 

REDLINE: Payday is 100% done and you can view the full card gallery for our 3rd expansion here! 

REDLINE Timeline 

Currently set in the year 2061, the REDLINE universe takes place during the Solar War between our first two factions, the United Nations of Earth (UNE) and the Crimson Pact of Mars (CPM). You can catch up on the series of events leading up to the conflict and the development of efreet technology in our REDLINE timeline here

Payday Story

Set during the Battle of Neom, our 2nd expansion, REDLINE: Payday takes place in the rainforests of Brazil as the greedy Drihl Co mining company looks to take advantage of the valuable rare earth ores buried beneath. The only ones who can stop their exploitation of the land and its people are the plucky Shamrock mercenary group, hired, well crowdfunded, to halt their operations! Read our short story, Authority of the Market for more details! 

REDLINE Digital Readout - Payday 

With every new set, we always share the design and development histories behind each new efreet featured in our free REDLINE Digital Readout e-books! Be sure to download our Payday DRO to get the latest intel on the new efreets coming your way soon! 

Looking Ahead 

Our first day has been tremendous and we still have 28 left! 

Our next goal of course is working towards our first stretch goal and unlocking those sweet backer exclusive variant ore tokens! 5 FREE for every backer when we hit our next milestone to bling out your REDLINE collection! Only available for our backers! 

Thanks again to everyone for the strong showing of support!

Yet, the battle continues! Be sure to share our campaign on your social media, and in your online gaming groups and forums to help us get as many eyeballs on our campaign as possible! 

You can become a force multiplier with a single share! 

And with that, it's been a long day for us here at Saving Throw Studios and its past our bedtime. See you in the comments! 
